Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Use of Social Marketing Tactics @MarketingSherpa
"build and participate in a network populated by our targeted audience," not "build and participate in a Facebook fan page"
The Use of Social Marketing Tactics
SUMMARY: What social marketing tactics are most often used by organizations for marketing purposes? From participating on social networks, blogs, microblogs and more, find out which tactics top the list as the most commonly used for marketing purposes in this week’s chart.
by Sergio Balegno, Research Director
Use of Social Media for Marketing Purposes
Click here to see a larger, printable version of this chart
Creating a tactical plan of action for social marketing purposes is the critical third step in MarketingSherpa’s Social Marketing ROAD Map methodology for mapping a successful social marketing strategy.
This chart shows the average percentage of organizations using each of the social platforms listed above for tactical purposes. Keeping in mind that your strategy must outlast the revolving door of leading social media technologies, tactics should be social brand agnostic when creating your organization’s plan.
In other words, an enduring tactic would be to "build and participate in a network populated by our targeted audience," not "build and participate in a Facebook fan page."
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Feel Inspired @gapingvoid
Feel Inspired
Feel Inspired
There's many ways to measure success. But how often one feels inspired, I think, is about as good a metric as any. Inspiration is totally addictive. I can't get enough of it. You?Read more at
Friday, August 6, 2010
25 "P"s of Social and New Media Marketing RT @KyEkinci & @socialmedia2day
25 "P"s of Social and New Media Marketing
You probably heard about the 5 "P"s of Marketing:
- Product: The products or services offered to your customers/clients.
- Price: The pricing strategy for the desired profit margin.
- Place: Distribution --getting your product/service to your target market.
- Promotion: Communicating with your customers.
- People: The value of your people and people at large (i.e. influencers)
Now with the New Media the same list has been re-purposed for the social media channels such as twitter, facebook, linkedin, foursquare etc. etc. Some folks talk about the 3 P's some talk about the 4 P's...
But if you think about it, Social Media is different; with Web 2.0 it is no longer a monologue, it's now a dialogue, so there really are more than just a handful P's in Social Media and Social Media Marketing.
So let's take it up a notch, shall we?.. Here is the 25 P's of Social Media we can think of:
- Provide: Something of value...
- Petition: Demand innovation, make folks, platforms, messages better!
- Productize: Yes, new word! Make your offer easy to understand!
- Promote: Your product, service, business, events, news (don't overdo).
- Personalize: Let them see the "real" you.
- Participate: Interact and engage (your audience)
- Play: Take it easy, it's not all strategy... :)
- Pace: Take it easy, don't over do it. Just don't!
- Protect: Protect your brand, industry, service, peers
- Plan: Yes, plan --don't just do it!
- Propel: Initiate discussions, bring the best out in people.
- Pamper: Recognize players, collaborate, give credit where credit is due.
- Partake: Answer questions, participate in discussions/chats.
- Peer: Do not underestimate players based on their followers, community
- Penetrate: Cover all aspects
- Patrol: Entire landspace --correct & clarify statements and behaviors
- Perform: Do it! Just do it!
- Persist: Don't give up!
- Predict: Think what's next...
- Pioneer: Don't hold back, try different things (white hat rule though!)
- Practice: Don't be afraid, practice makes perfect; learnings await you!
- Propose: Propose ideas, solicit business (humbly), ask for collaboration.
- Punctuate: Don't be afraid of repeating your point, though not bot-like.
- Pursue: Follow up; be persistent to engage: to get answers, be heard.
- Pay Attention: To influencers, trends, competition, customers.
Be Positive!
Hey, speaking of 'P's, can you think of more Ps?..